Monday, March 31, 2008

Show Review: Matt & Kim and The Raveonettes

Matt & Kim should have been a really amazing hilarious party time. I've seen pictures of their shows in New York, Richmond, Baltimore, everyone sweating and jumping and smiling and high-fiving. DC, however, did not bring the party. Perhaps it was the off-the-beaten-path space that not many out-of-towners could find? Perhaps it was the large population of very sober under-agers? perhaps no one in DC cares about having a really awesome time? I, on the other hand, along with the Jian-ator, pushed our way to the front (which was not difficult given the small number of kidz there). At the beginning of the show I stopped doing air punches for a second to snap a pick of the crowd, which at the time, i couldn't really see. Much to my horror, this awful picture is what was uploaded onto my computer yesterday (Besides just being an awful picture... my flash is broken :o( ):

Are you alive, DC? No one is even SMILING. Fortunately, the adorable duo had enough energy and giggles to go around. They tried everything to get the energy up. Standing on chairs, telling hilarious stories, playing in the complete dark (!) Matt even tried crowdsurfing, but after about three seconds in the air exclaimed "ummm, I think I might actually fall, can you guys just put me down!?!" I loved the show either way. Jian and I both received high-fives from Kim. What more could we ask for?

I took a whole roll of pictures with my action sampler. I will post those today or tomorrow.

The Raveonettes landed on the opposite end of the spectrum. The show was sold out (good thing i bought tickets in JANUARY (nerrrrrrd)). It was completely packed with people who read the Post Express ("Oh, the Raveonettes show was recommended! Who are they? Who cares!") . Sharin and Sune were completely detached from the audience. Most of the time it sounded like they just pressed play on a compilation they had made earlier that day of all of their own songs. They did not play Heartbreak Stroll. They did not play Chain Gang. They did not play New York Was Great. They DID play Attack of the Ghost Riders, Twilight, My Tornado, and Love in a Trashcan. It was an okay show, but for superfans like Mo and Myself, it was a little underwhelming. Also... OF COURSE Sharin was wearing a fabulous dress. Where do they all come from!?

I didn't take any pictures of this show. I had a headache from the 10% brew at The Reef:

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